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In the spirit of de-centering whiteness, Matzah Bloc is joining the call to make this week - a week typically spent in celebration of white capitalism and colonialism - completely centered on the Black Community. That means giving reparations to Black leaders, Black activists, and Black families healing from systemic violence; supporting Black businesses, makers, artists, and service providers; and putting white dollars into Black pockets. As squatters on stolen land, reaping the benefits of labor performed by stolen people, it is long past time for us to make meaningful steps to closing the giant gap of racial wealth disparity.

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The final day of our Black Friday week is focused on Black businesses that primarily do sales through their websites. Today and everyday you can support the Black community by putting your money in their pockets. White people especially, we are looking at you.

Two of the Black women on this list specifically use their art as a form of activism and inspiration for others. Break your old shopping habits and support businesses that actually make a difference instead of the ones that performatively show up as a marketing effort.

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Click the button below for our full Black-owned business listings and information:


